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Pick a Search Map from the Green highlighted list below
The map will open in a new Map window or will replace the map you are currently viewing if you already have a map open
If you have a slow internet connection or complex maps are loading too slow for your liking make your map window smaller and your maps will load quicker.
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We expect to have several hundred interactive maps in our mapping library.
You can help make those maps as useful as possible by letting us know just what you would like to see on our maps.
Land Matters is just getting started. What you see is only a taste of what is on the way.
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Search Maps
Land Matters has been designed and built from the beginning to enable all of the objects in both the Library and the Map Repositories to be spatially enabled. What this means is that each book and photo knows that it is associated with a real position in three dimensional space.
At first this may seem to be a strange concept but when you consider that a picture taken in Newton, Kansas or a 100 year old book on the Yukon will now each have an exact location in space that a map can understand the possibilities become obvious.
This of course works both ways. We are now able to make maps that can show all the Library items that are located near a point on a map and we can show a map of the area around a particular Library item's origin or subject.
This is a fully tested system and is intended to be an integral part of the Land Matters Repository. A search map shows you the associated Library Items for the subject and location you are studying.
We will be bringing you Search Maps in ther near future that will have the same basic functionality of the Library Search function but with an emphasis on location as well as subject.
The possibilities for this concept are virtually endless. As this search function is very new we could use your input as to the ways these spatial searches could best be used in your research on Land Matters. Feel free to let your mind wander over the possibilities and drop us an email about how you would like us to make search maps fit your needs.
Topo Search Map
Forest Motor Vehicle Use Map
Let us know what Search map subjects you would like to see.
Click on a category on the right hand menu. A list will open below the menu item. When you scroll over the list items they will highlight in green. Click on the highlighted item of your choice and the map for that item will open in a new window.
All of the maps are interactive Each map is created when you click the refresh (two arrows chasing each other), move the map or zoom in or out. Pick the layers you want to display and zoom in to see more detail. Use the information button (the big i) to see more information about the features near your click point. Within the results shown there are often links to even more detailed information.
If there is a particular map subject you would like us to include in the collection just let us know and we will do our best to put that together for you.
For More Information on using Land Matters Maps Click on the "HOW TO USE MAPS" button on the right and follow the links there or click on the "HELP" button at the top of each mapping window.